donderdag 21 maart 2013

Market Research Report

Article - Lunch at the Librije - Rebecca Hulleman

This article is review of a lunch at The Librije. The writer is a reviewer of food since 2010, when her website was founded. She limits herself to restaurants that are relevant to an international readership. The motivation for me to read this review of Elizabeth is that she can write in an objectively and independently way. So I am able to gain a neutral insight in the dishes of Jonnie Boer without other (positive or negative) opinions. In addition to this review is a short film added of how one of the dishes is made.

Elizabeth describes all the dishes she picked: Oyster, Dairy Cow, Roe deer and Sweet Thai 'green curry'. Because of her knowledge about high-end cuisine she is able to describe all the dishes extensive. The second course I find very interesting, it was langoustine, pumpkin, blue cheese, cucumber distillate and cucumber-verbena cream. This was the most interesting dish to me because she describes the varying flavours like bitter, sweet, salty and sour and I can’t imagine this would result in one bit were all the flavours come together. In the film you can see how much time Jonnie Boer he puts into just one dish. With all the different ingredients that are used I can imagine that a dish like this will take a lot of time to invent.

Article - No real Dutch Cuisine - Corniels van Winkelen

This article from the NY times tells about the experience of a gastronomy expert who visits Holland. It tells a lot about the way in which Holland, and especially the ‘Dutch cuisine’ are seen in the world. Especially the first two paragraphs show that Holland is said to be very far behind other European countries with regards to cooks and cooking. There is no real Dutch identity in high cuisine. Very striking is the passage ‘’ There were a few Michelin stars spread around the city, but those spots were, and remain, pricey and formal marathons of punctilious service and rich sauces.’’ This article illustrates how hard it has been last years for Dutch cooks, like Jonnie Boer to obtain a serious place among world’s best chefs. But it also shows that foreigners do not really take Holland seriously with regards to high end cuisine. Of course this is an American article so there will be a difference with for example a German article, but still, it is striking in what way Holland has been seen last few years. A passage illustrating the opinion on Dutch cuisine: ’ One of the more ubiquitous dinners here is stamppot, which is potatoes and vegetables, mashed and boiled in a pot, with some kind of meat tossed in.’’
Luckily there is a positive part in the article as well. The writer states that the Dutch cuisine and the top segment of cooks has improved enormously recently. Of course this improvements are illustrated by the price of ‘Purest’ as best cook book in the world. 

Article - Regional Labelling - Anete Pauga

Jonnie Boer, the chef of “De Librije” restaurant in Zwolle, in his books explains what is the most important aspect of making outstanding dishes. He shows the value of great quality ingredients and put emphasis on picking local products instead of foreign ones. In the article it is written that German Federal Ministry of food, agriculture and consumer protection has started a labelling campaign. They put regional labels on products with information where they come from. I choose this article because its main idea is to encourage people to buy local products in Germany. Our project is about Germany and it is good to know that they have the same concerns and what to start use local products as much as possible.

After reading article about regional labelling for the first time, I thought it was a great idea. Right now in European Union a lot of products say “Made in EU” and you can start wonder about its origin and you will probably never find out. For customers it eases their minds to know where their product comes from. In recent years regional origin is one of the main factors in choosing the product. With this campaign they can make customers life easier and top of that the companies will benefit from their boost in sales. I strongly hope this campaign works out and also that other countries take this as an example. 

woensdag 20 maart 2013

Article - 'De librije' won! - Robin Sun

The local newspaper de Stentor published on february 24 an article about the cookbook ‘Purest’ of Jonnie en Therese Boer. They won the Gourmand world Cookbook Award for chefs.

Earlier the book has been chosen as the best cookbook of the Netherlands. And Purest is the third book next to “Pure” en “Purred” of Jonnie en Therese Boer. This article gives a better opportunity to export this book to Germany. Since we found out that Germany has a high masculinity, they will prefer to have the best of the best. Since “Purest” won the award of Gourmand World Cookbook award. The barrier to buy the book will be smaller.